Thursday, October 29, 2015

Forever Grateful To The One Child Policy

Today, China has decided to end the one-child policy. This policy stated that families could only have one child and most families in China wanted boys. This led to thousands upon thousands of Chinese baby girls begin killed or given up for adoption, myself included.

Honestly, I have never hated the one-child policy. I'm actually immensely thankful to the one-child policy because it is the reason that I was put up for adoption. If I could go back in time I would not change a thing. I've seen the orphanages and I know what my life would have been like had I not been adopted. Since I was adopted, I've been given opportunities that parallel universe, non-one-child policy Alex could only dream of.

The news of China revoking the one-child policy didn't make me feel any different about my life. It didn't make me wonder what my life would have been like had the one-child policy been revoked before I was born, but it did make me sad for the lives of future Chinese baby girls. Since they won't be given up for adoption they won't know what they are missing out on, but I do. I know that growing up in China will be much harder for them. Don't get me wrong, I love China, but I know that as an American raised girl I have more opportunities than that of a Chinese raised girl. 

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