Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Story of Alex

I told y'all my post titles wouldn't be as catchy as the first. I guess I should start with my story. Scratch that, my mom's story. My mom was adopted too. She was adopted from Germany when she was about two. Mom's biological family history is really interesting, her mother was jewish and her father's family were pro-Hitler. Her maternal grandparents were both in concentration camps, as was her mom. After the war, my German grandmother was living with a family member. During that time period, the country was trying to rebuild. By doing that, only so many people could live in an apartment/house. My mom was the youngest and so she was put up for adoption.

Her adopted mom and dad couldn't have children. My grandfather was a high ranking officer in the Air Force. He and my grammy were stationed in Germany. They had already adopted my aunt, but they wanted another child. In the German orphanages, they dressed all the kids the same and gave them all the same haircut. My mom took to my grandfather immediately and my grandfather took to my mom immediately. He said, "That is the ugliest boy I have ever seen. He'll make for a fine son." Low and behold, my mom was a girl! By the time they started the adoption process, they already loved her and thus, my mom was adopted!

I was adopted from Wuhan, China when I was 9 months old. On the day that my mom and dad were going to meet me, mom got into some trouble. (Through these different posts you'll start to get to know my mom and this next part will make complete sense.) Mom had waited so long to have a baby and because of this she wanted to see me right away. Her and a few other moms decided to sneak into the room where the babies were. One of the nannies brought a baby over and placed her in my mom's arms. Guess what! It wasn't me!!! (Mom told me this story when I was growing up and she told me that she knew that baby wasn't her baby. She said that my grammy told her that she would have this feeling. A feeling of just knowing that this baby was her baby.) The director of the orphanage came in and shooed all the moms out. A little while later, all the parents were brought into the room. This time my nanny placed me in her arms. Mom said she knew then that I was the baby in the picture she received. (On Pearl Harbor day earlier in the year, mom received a picture of me. *Side note* Mom told me that she received two pictures from the orphanage. One was of another baby and one was of me. Mom said she chose the ugly baby. She told me that she chose the ugly baby because this method worked for her father.) While I'm not fond of being called the ugly baby, I'm glad that method worked because if it hadn't I wouldn't have the awesome family that I do have!

The first picture my mom and dad received of me. It is ridiculously small and in black and white. 

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