Wednesday, February 4, 2015

My Real Parents

Through the years, I have been asked a lot about my "real parents". The questions are usually pretty funny and they are always asked with curiosity. I've always answered questions like this the same, "My real parents? You've met my mom and my dad lives in Texas." That is usually followed by, "No! The people who gave birth to you!" I usually respond to this with, "My biological parents? They live in China." I don't know my biological parents and that has never really bothered me. They're the people who gave birth to me (Well, my biological mother did. xD), but my mom and dad are the ones who have taken care of me.

When I was adopted, I inherited a crazy, fun, and loving family. I wouldn't trade them for the world and if someone asked if I would trade them to know my birth parents, my answer would be a big, fat NO! My parents, are my real parents and I have never felt the need to look for my parents because I know where they are. My mom is in the living room talking on the phone and my dad is at his home in Waco. They may not have given me their DNA, but they have given me their unconditional love and support. 

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