Thursday, March 12, 2015

To Tell or Not to Tell

I've been thinking a lot lately about parents who don't tell their kids they're adopted. To be honest, it's always bugged me that some people don't tell their kids. It's a bit hypocrital. Parents always tell their kids to tell the truth. When parents don't tell their kids, it's like they're lying to them.

I am super lucky because my parents have always told me I am adopted. I like to think that even if they hadn't told me, I would have known because I'm super Asian and they're not Asian. :D Regardless, I've always been really thankful that they were honest with me. If they hadn't been honest, I don't know if I would trust them as much as I do. 

If you're reading this and thinking of adopting or have adopted and haven't told your child, I beg you to tell them. They'll probably feel "different", I did, but one day they'll see that it's awesome being an adopted kid! Plus, as my mom always says, honesty is the best policy! 

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